When we find ourselves in the wilderness, what is the one thing we need more than anything else? God.
That's why the Lord told Moses to build the tabernacle ("tent of meeting") and used it as a teaching tool to show His people that He wants to spend time with us, so we get to know Him, worry less and trust more.
“Acquaint now thyself with him, and be at peace: thereby good shall come unto thee.”
We know it's important to come together to listen to God's word being taught and have fellowship with each other. But we also have to get "up close and personal" with God... "Draw close to God and He will draw near to you"..
God wants to be at the centre of our lives. When Israel set up camp each night, the 12 tribes pitched their tents in formation surrounding the tabernacle, where God's presence dwelt. Every man, woman, boy and girl could stand in the door of their tent and see/experience God in their midst.
So let us set our deepest affections and greatest focus around God, and we too will thrive in the wilderness.
Libyan Desert Photo by Audrius Sutkus on Unsplash